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Hysterectomy is a Treatment Option for many Problems

The choice to have a gynecological surgical procedure known as a hysterectomy is never treated lightly by the woman who needs to take this step. Since a hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus, and the woman will never be able to have children again, it can have both a physical and emotional effect on the woman who undergoes this procedure. However, there are certain indications most commonly cited for having a hysterectomy that makes the operation necessary for the woman’s health.

Indications for the need to have a hysterectomy:

Fibroids: Benign tumors that cause pain bleeding and other symptoms.

Endometriosis: Uterine tissue sometimes grows outside the uterus and causes a number of problems for the patient.

Uterine Prolapse: Supporting tissues for the uterus weaken and the uterus slips down into the vagina causing pelvic pain or incontinence.

Vaginal bleeding: Persistent bleeding with periods lasting 5 to 7 days may indicate the need for a hysterectomy

Chronic Pelvic Pain: This is sometimes seen as a last resort if there is pelvic pain that persists for the patient but is not caused by any of the conditions listed above.

Gynecological Cancer

There are three different procedures used in a hysterectomy: a full abdominal hysterectomy or, one of two less invasive procedures, a vaginal hysterectomy or a laparoscopic hysterectomy. Full abdominal means that there will be a large incision and the surgeon will remove the uterus and be easily able to see the surrounding tissue to check for other problems the patient may have including tumors and scarring from other procedures. A vaginal hysterectomy removes the uterus by going through the vagina and detaching it from blood vessels and supporting structures. The laparoscopic hysterectomy is also done through the vagina and by using small incisions in the abdomen to complete the process using a camera as an aid.

The procedures all have some risk and can be botched if the surgeon is not careful. If any botched gynecological procedure has occurred, an expert in the field of medical malpractice with experience in gynecological surgery error cases must be consulted with immediately. These are highly emotionally charged situations and the calming influence of an experienced professional can guide you through the steps necessary to get compensation for a gynecological surgery error in New York.

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