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Burn Injury

Aburn injury occurs when the skin is exposed to high temperatures – generally greater than 140°F (60°C). A burn may also develop at lower temperatures depending on how long the skin remains in contact with the heat source.

A burn can range from a relatively minor medical problem to a life-threatening emergency. A burn may be caused by the following:

Depending upon the extent of the burn, treatment may require surgical excision and grafting.

Degree of Burn

The degree of a burn is not measured by temperature, but rather by the damage that was caused. Burns are classified as follows:


Deep or widespread burns can lead to many complications including infection (staphylococcus or sepsis), low blood volume (hypovolemia), hypothermia, respiratory difficultly, scarring bone and joint problems.


Depending upon the extent of the burn, treatment may require surgical excision and grafting. There are two types of surgical procedures to remove the eschar (dead tissue).

The first option is a tangential excision. The objective with this procedure is to remove only the nonviable tissue, thereby saving as much viable dermis as possible. Viable dermal surface provides an excellent base for grafting.

The second type of procedure is excision to fascia. The procedure is used in cases of very large full-thickness burns or with very deep burns that extend well into the fat or underlying tissues.

Skin graft donor sites are obtained wherever unburned skin is available with the exception of the face and hands. The preferred donor areas are the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen.

New York City Burn Injury Attorneys

When you sustain a burn injury in a New York accident, it can be a very trying and difficult time. You may have been hospitalized and required surgical procedures. You may have suffered severe and disfiguring injuries. There are medical expenses, lost wages, and other hardships. You are concerned for the future. You have questions. We have the answers.

With our experienced team of attorneys, investigators, and experts, you can be assured that we will determine the cause of your accident and seek to hold all of the responsible parties accountable for your damages. We will fight to get you the maximum compensation you deserve for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Since, 1987, people hurt in New York accidents have turned to Mr. DiMartini for his guidance and legal representation. He has earned their trust and confidence. He has a long record of success winning favorable settlements and awards for his injured clients.

Mr. DiMartini is known for his compassion for his injured clients. He is always personally there for them when they call upon him. They never have to wonder when a phone call will be returned. They know he will call them the same day, even when he is at court. His compassion for his clients is only equaled by his aggressive yet professional representation on behalf of their interests. He fights for his clients’ rights.

Many years ago, Mr. DiMartini made the decision that he would concentrate all of his professional efforts to protect the rights of accident victims. He does not practice in other areas of the law. He knows personal injury law. That’s all he does. He knows how to get results!

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has sustained a burn injury in a New York accident, we are here to fight for your rights. Call Mr. DiMartini directly at 1-855-428-7322. You can also contact us online. The consultation is free. There is never a fee unless we win your case!

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