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New York Dog Bite Attorneys

New York Dog Bite Attorneys

Adog bite can result in serious injuries and scarring. New York dog bite law can be complex and confusing. We know what is required to prove your claim and get you the compensation you are entitled to receive.

Prior Vicious Propensities

In order to recover damages for a dog bite, the law requires that the injured party establish that the owner of the dog either knew or should have known of the dog’s vicious propensities prior to the attack. Once such knowledge of the dog’s prior vicious propensities is established, an owner faces strict liability for the harm the dog causes.

One Free Bite Myth

The owner of the dog is not entitled to an automatic “one free bite” as many believe.

The owner of the dog is not entitled to an automatic “one free bite” as many believe. The law recognizes that there are circumstances where, although a dog has not yet bitten anyone, its vicious nature is still apparent. Under those circumstances, the dog’s owner is strictly liable for the harm the dog causes, even if the dog’s owner was successful in the past in keeping the dog confined or restrained.

Prior Similar Acts

The owner’s knowledge of a dog’s prior vicious propensities may be established by proof of prior acts of a similar kind by the dog of which the owner knew or should have been known. This may be established by evidence such as the dog had been known to growl, snap, or bare its teeth, or that the owner chose to restrain the dog and by the manner in which the dog was restrained.

When a dog behaves in a manner that would not necessarily be considered dangerous or ferocious, but nevertheless that dog reflects a proclivity to act in a way that puts others at risk of harm, the dog can be found to have vicious propensities.

New York City Dog Bite Attorneys

When you are injured by a dog bite in New York, it can be a very difficult and trying time. Most dog bites occur unexpectedly. It may even have been a dog that you knew. The dog seemed docile, but then without warning strikes. Serious injuries may have resulted. You may have been hospitalized and even required a surgical procedure. Now you are faced with rehabilitation, medical expenses, lost wages, or other hardships. Insurance carriers may be contacting you to give them a statement about what happened. You are concerned and have questions. We have the answers.

Never speak to an insurance company without first consulting with an experienced New York personal injury lawyer. They are only looking to get a statement from you that will damage your claim. We know how to protect your rights. We know New York dog bite law.

Since 1987, Mr. DiMartini has represented people injured in accidents throughout the New York City metropolitan area. He has a long record of success winning favorable settlements and awards for his injured clients.

Personal injury law is all we do. We know how to get results!

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has been injured by dog bite in New York, we are here to fight for your rights. Call Mr. DiMartini directly at 1-855-428-7322. You can also contact us online. The consultation is free. There is never a fee unless we win your case!

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