New York City Personal Injury Attorneys. Call for a Free Consultation: 1-855-428-7322.

New York City Rear-end Hit

New York City Rear-end Hit Attorneys

Almost one-third of all motor vehicle accidents involve a rear-end hit. Following too closely was a contributing factor in 40,666 New York motor vehicle accidents in 2010 alone. Driver distraction was also a significant factor contributing to rear-end collisions.


The roadways and highways of New York City are especially congested with vehicular traffic. Traffic jams can be frustrating and result in driver inattention or fatigue. Other times, a car behind may be following too closely or tailgating, thereby not leaving enough distance between the vehicles to stop safely.

Tailgating or texting while driving increases the risk of a rear-ender.

A New York City rear-end hit can occur upon such roadways as the West Side HighwayCanal StreetFDR DriveEleventh AvenueSouth StreetMott StreetFirst AvenueSecond AvenueLexington AvenueAvenue of the AmericasAmsterdam Avenue41st StreetDr. Martin Luther King Jr. BoulevardHenry Hudson Parkway34th Street, or 145th Street.


Tailgating or texting while driving increases the risk of a rear-ender. Driver’s that cause a rear-end car crashes may be found liable under the law for the injuries they cause.

Experienced New York City Car Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a New York City rear-end hit auto accident, it can be a trying and difficult time. There are medical expenses, lost wages, and other hardships you are forced to endure. Insurance companies may be contacting you to give a statement as to your version of the accident. Claim forms need to filed in order to receive benefits for lost wages and medical expenses. You have questions. We have the answers.

With our years of experience, we know how to protect your interests and assert your claim. We know that insurance companies are not on your side. Their job is to try to defeat your claim and to attempt to terminate your benefits as soon as possible. Their sole desire is to pay as little as possible on your claim. They are not the good hands people or friendly neighbor you should be trusting during this sensitive time.

Since 1987, Mr. DiMartini has assisted hundreds of people injured in car accidents throughout the New York City Metropolitan area to obtain the just compensation they deserve for their auto accident injuries. He has obtained millions of dollars in awards and settlements for his injured clients. He is a seasoned New York City personal injury attorney and appellate advocate. With his knowledge of the law, he knows how to counter the tactics the insurance companies and their lawyers will use to try to deny your claim.

Let us put our years of experience to work for you to get you compensated for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. We will fight to get you the maximum compensation you deserve for your damages. Personal injury law is all we do. We get results!

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has been injured in a New York City rear-end hit car accident, we are here to fight for your rights. Call Mr. DiMartini directly at 1-855-428-7322. You can also contact us online. The consultation is free. There is never a fee unless we win your case!

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