New York City Personal Injury Attorneys. Call for a Free Consultation: 1-855-428-7322.

Free Initial Consultation

In the personal injury field, a free initial consultation means just what it says. The accident victim gets to discuss his or her potential accident claim with an attorney for no charge. These days a free consultation is commonplace. Nevertheless, an attorney who offers a free initial consultation to prospective clients is still providing a valuable service that should not be overlooked or understated for two reasons. First, the injured party gets information and an understanding about their claim without incurring an expense; and second, they get a free opportunity to evaluate their prospective lawyer.

Evaluating the Claim

In many cases, the injured person may be unsure whether or not they have a viable claim, i.e., was somebody else at fault for the accident? A good example of this is when the injured party suspects that a doctor made a mistake. They may be unsure exactly what happened to them, but they know that are worse off than before. It is in these cases where a free consultation offered by a personal injury lawyer can be especially valuable to the injured person. The injured party will have an opportunity to discuss their potential claim with a personal injury attorney without any cost. They will also have the opportunity to learn their rights and options, and whether the attorney believes they have a viable claim that is worth pursuing.

Evaluating the Attorney

A free consultation also affords the accident victim an opportunity to evaluate their prospective lawyer to determine whether they are comfortable with and have confidence in that lawyer. It is important that the client has trust in their lawyer. After all, the client is the boss and has the right to choose any lawyer they deem. Thus, the free consultation allows the injured party an opportunity to discuss their potential claim with more than one personal injury lawyer without incurring significant financial expenses.

Meeting of the Minds

It is during the initial consultation that both the lawyer and prospective client will make a determination as to what the next step should be in relation to the potential claim. If there is a meeting of the minds and both parties decide to proceed further with the claim, a retainer agreement will be entered into, and an attorney-client relationship established.


Many times, victims of accidents are without significant financial resources. In addition, whatever resources they may have are being strained by the fact that they were in an accident. Lawyers can be expensive. Many accident victims would not be able to consult with a lawyer if they were to incur an hourly attorney’s fee. The initial free consultation provides legal advice to those who need it most in their time of need.

At our law offices, we are glad to contribute to this process and offer free initial consultations to accident victims and our prospective clients. Call us at 1-855-482-7322. There is never a fee unless we win your case!

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