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Bone Fractures

New York City Bone Fracture Lawyers

Accidents can result in serious injuries, including bone fractures. All fractures (broken bones) can be classified as either closed fractures in which the skin remains intact or open fractures in which the bone penetrates the skin. Open fractures also carry a risk of infection.

There are a variety of types of fractures that may be sustained, including:

Treatment of Fractures

A fracture is treated by what is called reduction. A reduction is an attempt to reduce the amount of displacement or angulation of the broken ends of bone. Generally, this is accomplished by a closed reduction in which force is manually applied until an acceptable alignment is achieved and then casting to hold the bone in place.

Where a closed reduction cannot achieve an adequate alignment or the bone ends are not sufficiently stable, a surgical procedure may be required. Surgical procedures to treat the fracture may include:

Accidents Causing Fractures

Most bone fractures result from a traumatic episode or accident. A fracture may result from almost any type of accident, a slip and fall on a wet floor, a trip and fall on a broken sidewalk, a motor vehicle accident, a workplace accident, or a construction site accident.

When the accident was caused by the fault or negligence of another person or entity, the injured person may be entitled to damages or compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, and lost wages.

If the accident happened at work or while on the job, the person hurt in the accident may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits regardless of who was at fault for the accident.

New York City Bone Fracture Attorneys

When you sustain a bone fracture in a New York accident, it can be a difficult time. You may have been hospitalized and required a surgical procedure. You are faced with medical expenses and may have lost earnings. You are worried and have questions. We have the answers.

We will conduct an immediate investigation into your accident to determine all of the responsible parties, collect the necessary evidence, interviewing potential witnesses, and gather all investigative reports and medical records in order to thoroughly prosecute your claim. We know how to protect your rights and aggressively and professionally assert your claim.

Our law offices are devoted to the practice of plaintiff’s personal injury litigation. We do not practice in other areas of the law. We prepare every case for trial. That gives us the edge when negotiating a potential settlement of your claim. Our adversaries know we are ready to fight for your rights. We have a long record of success winning favorable settlements and awards for our injured clients.

Personal injury law is all we do. We get results!

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has sustained a bone fracture in a New York accident, we are here to fight for your rights. Call Mr. DiMartini directly at 1-855-428-7322. You can also contact us online. The consultation is free. There is never a fee unless we win your case!

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