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Ceiling Collapse

Ceiling Collapse Attorney in New York City

When a ceiling collapses, the results can be devastating. A ceiling collapse may result in property damage and/or serious personal injury

Some of these injuries may include:

New York City Buildings

A ceiling collapse may occur in commercial or residential premises.

According to recent statistic, there are 77,227 buildings with at least 4 residential units in New York City with 1,044,327 residential apartments, and of those there are 18,019 residential buildings in Manhattan.

A vast number of apartment buildings in New York City would not meet today’s building code requirements.

Causes of Ceiling Collapses

A ceiling collapse may be caused by water leaking onto the ceiling from above, such as a leaky pipe. A ceiling collapse may also be caused by improper or negligent, design, construction or repair.

Right to Recovery

In New York, the law requires that the owner or managing agent of the premises have actual or constructive notice of the defect that caused the ceiling collapse with enough time to remedy the dangerous condition.

Actual notice is where the owner or managing agent actually knew of the dangerous condition that had the potential to lead to a ceiling collapse.

Constructive notice is where the owner or managing agent should have known of the dangerous condition that had the potential to lead to a ceiling collapse.

If the owner or managing agent actually created the dangerous condition that had the potential to lead to a ceiling collapse, by for example, negligent construction or repair, then notice is not required and not an element of the claim.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has been injured in a New York City ceiling collapse, you need an experienced personal injury lawyer to fight for your rights.

We know New York City premises law. We will guide you through every step of the process and fight to get you the maximum compensation you deserve. We have secured millions of dollars in recoveries for our injured clients.

With our team of highly experienced investigators and expert engineers, will conduct an immediate investigation into your accident collecting critical evidence, interviewing potential witnesses, and determining all of the responsible parties.

Since 1987, Mr. DiMartini has represented people injured in trip and fall accidents throughout the New York City metropolitan area. He is a seasoned New York City personal injury attorney with a long record of success winning favorable settlements and awards for his injured clients.

We only practice in the areas of personal injury litigation. We knows the legal requirements necessary to establish your claim.

Personal injury law is all we do. We know how to get results!

Call Mr. DiMartini direct at 1-855-428-7322. You can also contact us online. The consultation is free. There is never a fee unless we win your case!

The Law Offices of Stuart DiMartini proudly serve Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn and surrounding communities in the greater New York City area.

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