New York City Personal Injury Attorneys. Call for a Free Consultation: 1-855-428-7322.

Driver Inattention

According to the New York Department of Motor Vehicles’ 2008 Statewide Statistical Summary, there were over 45,000 motor vehicle accidents in New York that were due to driver inattention or distraction. This accounts for 17.7% of all accident where human factors

Distraction-related fatalities represented 16 percent of all traffic fatalities in 2009.

 were a contributing cause. These accidents caused 188 fatalities and over 22,000 personal injuries.


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) also estimates that driver inattention was a causative factor in 25-30% of all police-reported traffic crashes.  In 2009, almost 5,500 people died and another half a million were injured in crashes involving a distracted driver. Distraction-related fatalities represented 16 percent of all traffic fatalities in 2009.

Causes of Driver Distraction

Driver inattention or distraction may be due to a variety of factors, such as:

  • Texting while driving
  • Dialing a hand-held device
  • Taking on a hand-held device
  • Reaching for an object
  • Eating
  • Drowsiness
  • Reading
  • Applying makeup
  • Looking at an external object

Distracted driving poses a danger on our roads and highways, and leads to serious injury and even death. Please don’t text and drive! Help fight distracted driving. Visit Keep your Eyes on the Road and D! for more information.


Have you been injured due to Driver Inattention?

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a car accident that you believe was caused due to driver inattention of the other car, it is important to speak to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

An early and thorough investigation is the key to proving an accident was caused by driver inattention. The first clue to such a cause of the accident is that at first blush the accident will seem unfathomable. The question might be asked, How did an accident like that happen? How did the other vehicle fail to stop when there were no obstructions and the weather conditions were good? How did the other vehicle veer onto the oncoming lane without any mechanical difficultly? Many times the answer to questions like these will be because the other driver was distracted, perhaps texting or even reaching for some object.

While surmise and suspicions are one thing, courts require proof. It is not often that the other party will admit that they were texting or applying lipstick at the time of the accident. This is where the lawyer and his or her investigator goes to work to establish through credible direct or circumstantial evidence the cause of the crash. Phone records may be subpoenaed, and eye witnesses located and interviewed, all in the effort to establish that the cause of the accident was in fact due to driver inattention.

Once it is established that the accident was caused by distracted driving, the other party will be found careless and negligent, and be held responsible for the damages caused to the injured party. These damages may include recompense for pain and suffering, lost wages, medical expenses and other damages.

New York City Distracted Driving Attorneys

Mr. DiMartini has a long career representing people injured in car accidents throughout the New York City metropolitan area. He knows how to aggressively and professional assert your claim to get you the maximum compensation you deserve. His record of success in winning favorable settlements and awards for his injured clients speaks for itself.

Mr. DiMartini will carefully and thoroughly investigate all of the factors leading to your accident. He will determine and seek to hold accountable all of the responsible parties that caused your accident related injuries. He will assist you in every aspect of your claim to make the legal process as care free as possible for you.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident that was caused by driver inattention, we are here to fight for your rights. Call Mr. DiMartini directly at 1-855-428-7322. You can also contact us online. The consultation is free. There is never a fee unless we win your case!

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