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Radiator Burn

New York Radiator Burn Lawyers

Aradiator burn may occur when the unit is excessively hot due to a malfunction or failure to properly maintain the heating system.

The surfaces of the components of these systems are capable of reaching temperatures as high as 82-110°C (180-230°F). If a metallic surface temperature exceeds 70°C, it may present a burn hazard regardless of the contact duration.

It is common knowledge that hot surfaces can cause burn injuries. The danger is presented by a combination of the heat hazard and the length of exposure.

For extremely high-temperature metallic surfaces greater than 70°C (158°F), a serious burn injury occurs almost instantaneously upon contact. For contact periods up to one second in duration, the recommended maximum surface temperature for un-coated metals is 65-70°C and 75-85°C for coated metal surfaces.

Many residential apartments are heated by steam heating systems. These systems have vertical steam pipes and radiators that are exposed within the unit. Thus, they present a danger of causing a contact burn injury if they are not properly regulated and maintained.

The surfaces of the components of these systems are capable of reaching temperatures as high as 82-110°C (180-230°F). If a metallic surface temperature exceeds 70°C, it may present a burn hazard regardless of the contact duration. The exposed surface temperature of a metallic radiator that exceeds 70°C must be reduced, covered or insulated.

The owner of a premises and a managing agent has a duty to keep its premises safe for reasonable use. The failure to do so is negligence and the owner or managing agent may be held liable for the injuries and damages caused.

New York City Radiator Burn Injury Attorney

When you have sustained a New York burn injury due to contact with a radiator or steam pipe, you may have suffered severe and disfiguring injuries. You may have been hospitalized and require ongoing medical care and treatment. You are faced with medical expenses, lost wages, and other hardships. You are worried for the future and have questions. We have the answers.

With our highly experienced team of investigators and experts, we will conduct a thorough investigation as to whether the steam heating system was defected and thereby presented a dangerous hazard within the premises. If the owner or managing agent is determined to be at fault for your accident, we will seek the maximum compensation for your pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

We are dedicated to the practice of plaintiff’s personal injury litigation. We know the law and how to best assert your claim. We prepare every case for trial. Our record of success in winning favorable settlements and awards for our injured clients speaks for itself.

Personal injury law is all we do. We know how to get results!

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has sustained a radiator burn injury in a New York accident, we are here to fight for your rights. Call Mr. DiMartini directly at 1-855-428-7322. You can also contact us online. The consultation is free. There is never a fee unless we win your case!

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