New York City Personal Injury Attorneys. Call for a Free Consultation: 1-855-428-7322.

Rockland County Accident Attorney

There are a wide variety of Rockland County accidents that may cause someone to be injured or hurt.  These accident can include the following:

There are many other types of accidents that may produce serious injury or even death.

Whatever the type of accident, it is important to speak to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to advise you of your rights and protect your interests.

Car Accidents

Car accidents can, especially, produce serious injury. For example, according to the Institute for Traffic Safety Management, in 2011 alone there were over 2,200 personal injury producing motor vehicle crashes in Rockland County and seventeen fatalities.

There are many types of car crashes where another party may be at fault. Auto accidents include, rear-end hits, T-bone, failure to obey a traffic control device, speeding, distracted driving, and drunk driving.

Personal Injury Lawyers

No one wants to be injured in an accident, but when such an unfortunate event does occur, the injured party needs competent legal advice and direction.

A personal injury lawyer will evaluate the cause of your accident and determine the responsible parties. The attorney will protect your rights by placing the negligent parties on notice of the claim, file the appropriate forms to preserve your rights, such as no-fault forms and notice of claim forms that are time sensitive.

If the appropriate forms are not served timely the injured party may forever loose the right to recover benefits or seek compensation for damages incurred.

The attorney will seek to recover the most compensation you are entitled to receive for the injuries and damages sustained.

If the claim cannot be settled, the lawyer will commence litigation proceedings to seek recovery for damages and present the case to a trial by jury.

Have you involved in a Rockland County Accident?

If you or a loved one has been injured or hurt in a Rockland County accident, our New York personal injury attorneys will elevate your claim to determine who may be at fault for the accident. If we determine that another party was at fault for the accident, we will aggressively pursue your claim.

Our attorneys will explain every step of the process to you and fight to protect your interests and get you the money compensation you deserve for your pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages and any other damages you may have sustained.

Contact Us

Contact us at 1-855-428-7322 for your free, no obligation consultation. You can also contact us online. The consultation is free. There is never a fee unless we win your case!

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