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Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury

Atraumatic brain injury (TBI) can be caused when there is a focal impact upon the head, by a sudden acceleration/deceleration within the cranium or by a combination of movement and sudden impact. An object penetrating the skull can also cause TBI.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 2010 there were 715 emergency room visits, 91 hospitalizations and 17 death related to a traumatic brain injury.


A fall is the most common cause of a traumatic brain injury which can include a fall from a ladder. Other causes of TBI include car accidentstrip and fallsslip and fallsbicycle accidents and motorcycle accidents.


Mild traumatic brain injury may cause a temporary dysfunction of brain cells.

More serious injuries can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding and other physical damage to the brain that can result in long-term complications or death. Complications can include:

Moderate to severe traumatic brain injury can result in prolonged or permanent changes in a person’s state of consciousness, awareness or responsiveness. These complications can include:

  • Coma
  • Vegetative State
  • Minimally Conscious State
  • Locked-in Syndrome
  • Brain Death
  • Seizures
  • Post-traumatic Epilepsy
  • Stroke
  • Fluid Buildup
  • Infections
  • Blood Vessel Damage
  • Cranial Nerve Damage
  • Facial Muscle Paralysis
  • Cognitive Deficits
  • Behavioral Changes
  • Emotional Changes
  • Sensory Deficits

Tests and Diagnosis

Traumatic brain injuries are normally the result of an accident and require emergency treatment. Doctors must access the severity of the injury quickly because consequences can worsen swiftly without treatment.

The method to access the injury is by use of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). This is a 15-point test used to assess the initial severity of a brain injury by checking the patient’s ability to follow directions and move their eyes and limbs. The coherence of speech also provides important clues. The higher the score the less severe the injury.

Imaging tests are also used to determine the extent of the brain injury. A computerized tomography (CT) scan
can reveal fractures and uncover evidence of bleeding in the brain, blood clots, brain contusions and brain tissue swelling.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also provides a detailed view of the brain.

It is also important to monitor intracranial pressure to ensure there is not further damage to the brain.


Mild TBI usually requires no treatment. A doctor will recommend rest and over-the-counter pain relievers for headache.

Mild TBI needs to be monitored closely at home for any persistent, worsening or new symptoms.

Moderate and Severe cases require immediate emergency medical care and treatment. Emergency care for these cases focuses on ensuring the injured person has adequate oxygen and blood supply, maintaining blood pressure and preventing further injury to the head or neck.

Severe cases require additional treatment that focuses on minimizing secondary damage due to inflammation, bleeding or reduced oxygen supply to the brain.

Medications to limit secondary damage include diuretics, anti-seizure medications and coma-inducing drugs.

Emergency surgery may be necessary to remove hematomas or repair a skull fracture.

Normally people who have had a significant brain injury will require rehabilitation. They may need to relearn basic skills, such as walking or talking.

Therapy usually begins in the hospital. The therapy can be continued at an inpatient rehabilitation unit, a residential treatment facility or through outpatient services.

The type and duration of rehabilitation varies depending on the severity of the injury and what part of the brain was injured.

New York City Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyers

Mr. DiMartini is a veteran New York City personal injury attorney. For decades he has been assisting people injured in accidents throughout the New York metropolitan area. He knows you are concerned for the future and have questions. He has the answers.

When you call our office, you will speak with Mr. DiMartini directly about your claim. He takes pride in being there for people in their time of need. He will discuss your case with you and advise you of what he believes are your best options. If he takes your case, it is because he believes that you were harmed due to the negligence of another party and he will seek to get you the most money in compensation you deserve for your pedestrian accident-related injuries. He has recovered millions of dollars in compensation for his injured clients.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has sustained a traumatic brain injury in a New York accident that was due to the fault of another person or entity, we are here to fight for your rights. Call Mr. DiMartini directly at 1-855-428-7322. You can also contact us online.

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