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Hit by Uninsured Car

Hit by an uninsured car

A New York City pedestrian was hit by an uninsured car and sustained a serious injury.

The injured person posted the following question:

I came on business visa and recently met with an accident, driver’s … license was suspended and his insurance expired on 9/20/2015. What should I do? Who will take care of all expenses in this case. In police report nothing mentioned suspended license and expired insurance. My leg has fractures and require surgery, Please suggest what I should do?

What can be done to Receive No-fault Benefits?

Since the injured person was a pedestrian, he would normally be entitled to No-fault benefits through the insurance of the car that hit him. Given that the car that hit him was uninsured, the injured person will be limited in seeking No-fault benefits through the New York State Motor Vehicle Accident Indemnification Corporation (MVAIC). MVAIC is a New York State agency that provides certain benefits and compensation to victims of accidents caused by uninsured vehicles.

MVAIC has strict time limitations that must be complied with to make a claim for No-fault benefits. For example, the accident must be reported to the police within 24 hours of the accident.  Additionally, claim forms must be filed within the time limitations, or the injured person will lose his rights to such benefits.

It is, therefore, important to immediately report the accident to the police and contact an experienced  New York City personal injury lawyer to protect your rights.